Home / Recipes / Caramelised Garlic and Chive Gluten-free Vegan Empanadas
Caramelised Garlic and Chive Gluten-free Vegan Empanadas

Caramelised Garlic and Chive Gluten-free Vegan Empanadas

Difficulty level: Hard
Total Time: 75 mins
Meals served: 4 Servings


- Amino Mantra Garlic & Chive Plant Patties              2 Patties
- Salt and pepper                                                        To taste

For the Dough
Gluten-Free Flour                                                     600gms + Extra (for dusting)
- Salt                                                                            2gms or ½ tsp
- Solidified Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO)              200gms
   or Vegan Butter Substitute  
- Psyllium Husk                                                            5gms or 1tbsp
- Water (for Psyllium Husk mix)                                   30gms or 4 tbsp
- Cold Water                                                                100gms or  Cup
- Maple syrup + water (for glazing pastry)                  1 tbsp each

- Dipping Sauce (Your favourite one)                          3 tbsps

Special equipment
- Cookie cutter (8cm diameter) or Drinking cup/glass or small round bowl
- Rolling Pin & surface area for rolling the dough
- Baking trays


  1. Mix the psyllium Husk and 4 tbsp water and set aside for blooming. In a food proccesor mix the GF flour and salt. Add the EVCO or vegan butter into the food processor and blitz it for about 30 seconds until the butter is distributed throughout the flour. You will see mix look crumbly & coarse. 
  2. Add in the water/psyllium husk mixture and mix it for another 10 seconds. Keep blitzing the mix and add cold water little by little until you have a soft smooth dough. Adjust water as needed, you may need all the water. If the dough is too sticky add some flour to adjust the consistency. Final dough should be evenly smooth and soft. 
  3. Take the dough out, divide into 2 balls. Wrap the dough in lightly damp tea-towels and leave it in the fridge for 15 mins. 
  4. In the meantime, get your filling ready. Open the patties out of the pack, break it and mix it in a bowl with salt and pepper if needed or any other ingredients you’d like to add in. 
  5. Line 2 or 3 trays with baking paper or silicone mats. Turn your oven on to 180 Degree Celsius. 
  6. Dust the rolling area with flour. Take the 1st ball of the dough out and roll it flat with a rolling pin about 3mm thin. Use a Cookie cutter (8cm diameter) or Drinking cup/glass or small round bowl to make empanada disks. TIP- When you make the disks dust them in flour lightly so they don’t stick to each other.
  7. Take one empanada disk. Add a spoon full of filling in the center. Lightly brush the rim of the disk with water or wet your finger with water and apply on the rim of the disk. Fold the disk in half, like half-moon or semi-circle and press it together firmly with fingers to seal it well. Place the ready empanada on the tray. If you like, you can press on the sealed ends with a light dusted prongs of the fork or you can make curls with your hands to make them look pretty.
  8. Repeat the rolling, cutting and filling the empanada process in Steps 6 & 7 with the second dough ball. Once all the empanadas are ready and arranged on the tray neatly, brush them lightly with maple syrup & water mixture and put them in the oven. Bake them for 20 - 25 mins until golden brown. 
  9. Take them out and transfer them on to a wire rack to cool down slightly as they will be piping hot. Enjoy the empanadas with some of your favourite dipping sauce.

Caramelised Garlic and Chive Gluten-free Vegan Empanadas