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Roasted Winter Vegetables with Black Truffle & Thyme Plant Patties

AM Black Truffle & Thyme with Roast Winter Veggies
As days start getting colder, we all crave for hot, garlicky roasted vegetables. With Amino Mantra Black Truffle & Thyme Plant Patties, you can add an earthy, exotic twist to your favourite dinner. Easy to prepare and simple to cook, this meal will give you warm fuzzies. 

Amino Mantra Vegan Canape with Smoky BBQ Plant Patties

Amino Mantra Vegan Canape with Smoky BBQ Plant Patties
Winter tends to make us hungrier faster. With stuff foraged from the pantry and fridge, try this easy Mexican-style canapes with Amino Mantra Smoky BBQ Plant Patties. It only takes 10 minutes to make and you can dial hotness up or down to suit the taste. Easy to make for afternoon tea or pre-dinner munchies.