Home / Recipes / Fijian Turmeric & Cumin Daal with Steamed Rice, Fresh Salad, Pickle & Yogurt
Amino Mantra Fijian Turmeric & Cumin Daal with Steamed Rice

Fijian Turmeric & Cumin Daal with Steamed Rice, Fresh Salad, Pickle & Yogurt

This is  our favourite go-to meal on busy weekday evenings. When we can't be bothered to cook dinners like Gordon Ramsay, we do it easy peasy Amino Mantra way. Check out this recipe for warming Fijian Turmeric & Cumin Daal with steamed rice in 20mins.

Difficulty Level: Easy
Total time:  20
Meals served: 2 (1 plant patty per meal)

- Amino Mantra Fijian Turmeric & Cumin Plant Patties     2 patties
- Water                                                                               250ml
- Salt                                                                                  To taste
- Pot, medium-sized                                                           1
- Fresh coriander leaves (garnish)                                     2-3 sprigs
Fresh Salad:
- Mixed Lettuce/Salad leaves                                             100gms
- Cherry Tomatoes (halved)                                                1 punnet
- Cucumber (sliced)                                                            ½ cucumber
- Lemon (cut into 6 wedges)                                               1 wedge
Steamed Rice:
- Electric Rice cooker                                                         1  
- White/Brown Rice  (washed)                                            2 cups
- Water                                                                                4 cups

- Pickle                                                                                 2 tbsps
- Coconut Yogurt                                                                 1 small bowl
- (Optional) Red chillies, sliced                                           1 tbsp


  1. In the electric rice cooker, place the washed rice and water to cook for 20mins. If it’s an on/off switch model, just switch it on and it will switch off once the rice is cooked. Easy peasy!Amino Mantra Fijian Turmeric & Cumin Daal
  2. Heat up 1 cup of water in a medium-sized pot. Roughly chop 2 Amino Mantra Fijian Turmeric & Cumin plant patties and add to the hot water. With a wooden spoon, mush up the chopped patties in the hot water and wait for it to boil. 
  3. Depending on how thick or runny you want the daal to be, adjust the water e.g. if you want it thick use 1 cup of water or if you want it runny add more water. Adjust salt to taste. Serve in a bowl. Garnish with fresh Coriander sprigs.Amino Mantra Turmeric & Cumin Daal 3Amino Mantra Turmeric & Cumin Daal 4Amino Mantra Turmeric & Cumin Daal 5Amino Mantra Turmeric & Cumin Daal 7
  4. Toss through the salad ingredients in a large bowl and serve in individual bowls or on plates with a wedge of lemon.
  5. Once the steamed rice is ready, serve it piping hot on a plate. Serve pickle and coconut yogurt on the side. Sliced red chillies are optional, only if you are feeling brave enough. Enjoy this warming dish which will be ready in 20mins.

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